The CHT Bayonet Probe – Features & Specifications
A CHT Bayonet probe is a threaded probe typically used on Lycoming engines in aircraft. These spring-loaded bayonet mounted CHT probes...

CHT Probes Used In Aircraft
A CHT probe is used to obtain temperature data of the part of the engine in which the CHT probe is installed. A CHT probe is a...

The Classic Scanner and Its Benefits
Every aircraft pilot needs to have real-time temperature data on EGT, TIT, OT, CHT and OAT. These temperature readings are not possible...

Installation of Cylinder Head Temperature Probe (CHT Probe) in Aircraft
Installation of a CHT probe is amazing simple and, in this article, we show you how to do it yourself. You begin with installing the...

Installation of CHT Bayonet Probe in Aircraft
The CHT Bayonet probes are the threaded probes and are commonly known as ‘CHT Bayonet Probes’. These are typically used on Lycoming...

Classic EGT and CHT Scanner - How does it work in Aircraft?
The J.P. Instrument manufactured Classic Scanner is perfect for any plane. The Classic scanner is a small convenient package with an even...

What are the Specifications & Features of EDM 800 in Aircraft?
The EDM 800 puts the fun back into flying because as a pilot, you don’t have to spend bulk of the flight time staring at a bunch of dials...

JP Instruments EDM-740 - Colour Engine Monitor for Experimental Aircraft
Aircraft Engine Data Manager 740 for experimental aircraft is an awesome product that is innovative and aggressively priced. Starting...