Features and Specifications of CDT Probe in Aircraft
A CDT probe is used in aircraft as well as in ships. The ones used in ships are known as Conductivity, Temperature and Depth probe. It...

What are the functions of Induction Air Temperature (IAT) probe?
We all know that every combustion engine (except maybe in rockets), rely on an external air source for combustion. Problem for aircraft...

Usage and Significance of CDT Probe in Aircraft
The Compressor Discharge Temperature (CDT) probe (not to be confused with Conductivity, Temperature, Depth probe used in ships and also...

Aircraft Electronic Data Management and Control Systems
Aircraft Electronic Data Management & Control Systems (EDM's) ensure that the engines of an aircraft that contains an EDM operates with...

The Use & Basics of Aircraft Electronic Data Management Systems
Aircraft cockpits have evolved from being a dimly lit, tiny cabin with three or four dials, steering column and rudder controls to a...

Most Advanced And Accurate Engine Monitoring Systems
Time to upgrade your cockpit and puzzled about which is the best and most advanced and accurate engine monitoring system? We'll break...

How Aircraft Engine Monitoring System Works
An aircraft engine monitoring system works along the same lines as a say an athlete hooked up to monitoring systems as he exercises in a...

How Slimline Gauge Helped Avert an Accident
Everyone agrees that flying is quite safe and that the statistical chances of a crash are infinitesimally small and yet, crashes do occur...

EGT Probe Installation and Information
This covers installation of the EGT probe manufactured by J.P. Instruments. While EGT probes manufactured by others also follow identical...

Difference between Single Engine Management Systems & Twin Engine Management Systems
In pre-glass cockpit days, the number of engine status indicators in the cockpit used to be directly proportional to the number of...