Here’s Why EDM 790 Is The Most Reliable EDM
The reliability of the EDM 790 is not just any tall claim by manufacturers J.P. Instruments. Tests prove beyond a shred of doubt that the...

EDM 900 - Advanced twin piston engine -monitoring instrument
This is no ideal claim and there’s a TSO certificate to prove the claims. With the advanced EDM 900 on board, you can remove many of your...

Uses of Fuel Flow Instruments in an Aircraft
Current aircraft flying around in the skies have either the analog fuel flow instrument (aircraft 10+ years old), or have the new digital...

What is a Fuel Flow Transducer in Aircraft?
Fuel flow transducers came to be used in aircraft around the early 70s. Vibration of an aircraft engine. It also had to meet the...

What Are The Features And Specifications Of EDM 700 Systems?
Overview of the EDM 700 System The Engine Data management 700 system is one of the accurate and advanced piston engine- monitoring...