Most Advanced and Accurate Engine Monitoring Systems

People who rely on instruments to reach their destination and to keep them safe while travelling tend to have one thing in common – the need for advanced and accurate engine monitoring systems.
Talk to a pilot, an astronaut, a ship’s captain or a cross-country race driver and they all agree that after reliable engines, the next most important thing to have is accurate engine monitoring systems. People have been flying aircraft ever since the Wright brothers took off and when they were in the air, they needed to know (and still do), whether the engine is performing well and their current position and heading relative to their destination. This called for accurate aircraft engine monitoring systems as well as accurate navigation.
If you were to buy a new aeroplane today, it would probably be equipped with the latest and most accurate aircraft engine monitoring system. But what if you have been flying for some years and have come to rely on good old analog engine monitoring systems that were installed when you bought the aircraft many years ago?
Thankfully, there is a handful of aftermarket accurate aircraft engine monitoring system manufacturers and the foremost of these is U.S. based J.P. Instruments that has been designing and manufacturing accurate aircraft engine monitoring systems since 1979.
With time and keeping with technological advances, J.P. Instruments today designs and manufacturers state-of-the-art digital and highly accurate aircraft engine monitoring systems called Engine Data Management or EDM’s. The secret behind holding the pole position is that they have looped customer feedback into the design process. What this means is that each new EDM design fulfils customer requests.
Take the EDM 740 for instance. The Fuel Gauges not only stacks the EGT and CHT readouts so the pilot can watch all cylinders at once, it also dynamically redraws the display to suit pilot preference. For instance, if the pilot chose to observe four instead of the six cylinders, the display graphs are redrawn proportionally and in fact, the pilot can even choose the order of the subordinate menu items.
Also, taking requests from retrofitters into account, the EDM 740 has a 4.23-by-3.195 inch faceplate and requires just a tiny 3.125-inch instrument hole. It is also a mere 2 inches deep behind the panel. Again, taking pilot requests into the consideration, the EDM 740 include user-defined redlines and alarms and a large single-line display that magnifies the values of other indications. Another new is that the pilot simply scrolls through the display’s choices with the STEP button. The EDM 740 also features a highly accurate Aircraft Level Sensors calculator. And of course, the EDM 740 can be coupled with most GPS navigation to function as one integrated unit.
These new I.C. based digital and accurate aircraft engine monitoring systems with their LED/LCD display panels, represent the absolute best that current technological advances can produce. So if you are in the market for accurate Aircraft Flight Instruments systems, head directly for