EDM 760 System and Its Advantages in Aircraft

If you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing the J.P.I. Engine Data Manager EDM 760 for your aircraft and want to know more about its features and operation, you’ve come to the right place. To begin with, the 760 series engine data management is one of the finest engine monitoring instruments available for piston engine aircraft. The J.P.I. EDM 760 system for aircraft is as good as a personal flight engineer and once installed, will keep working in the background watching over the aircraft engine(s) while you concentrate and enjoy flying the aircraft. The EDM 760 System and its advantage to your aircraft: The EDM 760 connects to the aircraft engine via multiple sensors. These sensors pickup up the engine data and transmit it via wires to the EDM unit. The EDM unit in turn, displays the data as numbers or coloured graphics on the unit’s LCD screen. Furthermore, it compares the data with pre-fed upper and/or lower limits and will alert the pilots via audio visual indicators if data from any part of the aircraft engine falls below or exceeds the expected range. The pilot can therefore enjoy the flying rather than having to constantly scan a bunch of analog dials. Additionally, the EDM 760 system will monitor the aircraft engine three times a second. As a human, you may miss it and not notice a problem beginning to happen, but the EDM 760 will not miss any discrepancies in engine performance. Here’s how the J.P.I. EDM 760 works: First, it collects data and displays it for the pilot in a useful way. For example, as a pilot, you can monitor the engine temperatures and voltages, adjust the fuel air mixture and diagnose engine malfunctions. The EDM 760 consists of two clusters of bar graphs one for the left Aircraft Engine Monitors and one for the right central. Each of these will provide the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) bar graph and the height of each bar in the graph represents oil temperature or turbine Inlet temperature (TIT), depending on the options installed in your aircraft. These bar graphs enable the pilot to see subtle changes in temperatures being displayed. The EDM 760 has two buttons on the front panel both of which; control all functions of the EDM 760. On the left side is the step button and on the right is the lean find button. One minute after the EDM 760 is turned on it will automatically index through all parameters. Tapping the step button will stop the automatic scan and always take you into the manual indexing mode through which, the pilot can observe each parameter value for as long as they want. To begin or resume automatic indexing they only need to tap lean find and then tap step to switch between the percentage view and the normalized view. If the EDM 760 that you’ve purchased has the fuel option installed, then the unit uses the known quantity of fuel aboard the aircraft to keep track of all fuel consumed fuel remaining in the tanks. It also calculates the endurance on a total aircraft basis and so forth. For more information, please visit: https://www.jpinstruments.com/shop/edm-760/