Comparing EDM 760 and EDM 790 System
EDM 760 and EDM 790 are near identical EDM’s. The major difference being that EDM 790 is equipped with a full colour TFT screen. Both...

Fuel Flow Transducer 231
A typical fuel flow transducer or any flow transducer for that matter, is used to measure flow of a liquid through a pipeline. You’ve...

Benefits of Slim-Lineâ„¢ Instruments
Instead of a big, round and chunky piece of dial that display one single piece of data in an analog format, a slim-line instrument,...

EDM 350 AND EDM 700 Compared
EDM 350 1. EGT - Exhaust gas temp. 2. CHT - Cylinder head temp - probes and harness incl. 3. VDC - Voltage display. 4. ...

The Classic Scanner and Its Benefits
Every aircraft pilot needs to have real-time temperature data on EGT, TIT, OT, CHT and OAT. These temperature readings are not possible...

Manifold Pressure Sensor in Aircraft
What the heck is it, and what are its advantages? Manifold Pressure (usually referred to as ‘MAP’), is the amount of pressure entering...

Data Logging in an Aircraft Engine Monitor
Data logging referees to capture of data. Typically, a data logger or data recorder is an electronic device that records data over time....

Installation of EDM 900 System in an Aircraft
EDM 900 comes in two versions – TSO’d and non-TSO’d (the latter version costs US $1,000 less and is for use in experimental aircraft)....

Types of CHT Probes used in Aircraft
To begin with, any temperature probe (such as the CHT probe), is a thermocouple type probe. For the uninitiated, a thermocouple is formed...

Installation of Cylinder Head Temperature Probe (CHT Probe) in Aircraft
Installation of a CHT probe is amazing simple and, in this article, we show you how to do it yourself. You begin with installing the...