A Flight Engineer - The Engine Data Management 900 System for Aircraft
Data display on the EDM 900: The Engine Data Management 900 (EDM 900) system’s display screen is arranged into three sections. The top...

Uses of Classic Scanner in Aircraft
There are analog dials, there are digital scanners and then there are classic scanners – each better than the previous. All these dials...

EDM 760 System and Its Advantages in Aircraft
If you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing the J.P.I. Engine Data Manager EDM 760 for your aircraft and want to know more about...

Features & Specifications of Engine Data Management 790 System in Aircraft
The EDM 790 manufactured by J.P. Instruments, U.S.A. is perhaps the best Engine Data Management system that money can buy for under US...

Installation of EDM-740 in Aircraft
For technicians about to install the JPI EDM 740 in an aircraft, this article is for you. It covers all the general points to installing...

IAT Probes in Aircraft and How it Works
Combustion whether in aircraft or cars or anything that has an engine, not only relies on accurate mixture of air with fuel before...

Benefits of Aircraft Engine Monitors
Even the Wright brothers plane had a couple of dials near their seat in the plane. If nothing else, they at least had to know how much...

Advantages of having Engine Data Management 730 System in an Aircraft
Either you are planning to upgrade from an older EDM to EDM 730 or are planning on replacing some analog dials with the EDM 730 but in...

Top 10 tips on installation of TIT Probe in an Aircraft
Here are the top 10 tips on installation of a Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) probe in your aircraft: 1. Before you even open the...

EDM 350 System and How it works ?
The aircraft Engine Data Manager 350 (EDM 350), by J.P. Instruments is a small box-like device with an LCD screen on the front and it...